"At the age of sixteen I was taken to a Baptist church in Romford, Essex where I heard about a God of Love.
"John 3:16 tells us ‘God so loved the World that He gave His only son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life’. I was deeply moved by this wonderful God who could forgive the sins of mankind and love us just the way we are.
“After experiencing different Christian denominations, I settled down fifteen years ago to became a member of Trentham Methodist Church. There are many activities to suit everyone: from Little Seeds for toddlers and Messy Church for children to Luncheon Club and Housewives Fellowship for those of us who have the time. It is wonderful to be a part of a church family that enjoys helping others.
“Not only are Christmas and Easter joyous celebrations, but we worship God throughout the year and give thanks for His goodness to us, praying for and really making a difference to those in need.
We would love you to join us.”
Jacqueline, Active Church Member, who loves the great outdoors, especially walking the canals of Staffordshire.