Christian Outreach Activities
If we are going to carry the message as a church we must contribute positively to the community and provide the community with something they want.
We regularly meet community members through outreach activities
. We support organisations that are helping those in need such as Foodbank. We also run community activities within the church.
Prayers at 6
All are invited to a short prayerful assembly each Wednesday - Singly or Collectively; Silently or Join in.
The Prayer Tree
Anyone who comes into church is invited to add a prayer to our Prayer Tree. Cards and pens are by the tree in the church porch. These prayers are prayed at Prayers at 6 on Wednesday.
Just Enjoy
We started our outreach work to passers-by right outside the church. It began with workmen fitting traffic lights on the corner by giving them bacon rolls and a cup of tea. This lead to giving out hot-cross buns at Easter, mince pies at Christmas and a fruit and cereal bar at harvest time. We offer a little flyer with church activities on it and a statement saying Just Enjoy.
We have supported and contributed to the Foodbank service from the outset. Each week several bags of food are donated by members of our church, which are taken to the main Foodbank distribution area in Blurton. See Foodbank Support for more information about how Foodbank works and how to donate Foodbank items to us.