Supporting Fairtrade - it's easier than you think!
Trentham Methodist Church supports this year’s The Fairtrade Foundation campaign ‘Come On In' 
In a nutshell, the campaign is asking us to ‘Come On In’ and swap one thing out of our shopping basket and replace it with a fairly traded item. In doing so we'll be helping small traders and farm workers around the world, that are likely to be much worse off than us.
What do I need to do?
Swap one item in your shopping basket that does not carry the Fairtrade logo and replace it with a similar item that does. It could be coffee, tea, chocolate, sugar or one of many of the basics we buy from the supermarket. It’s a simple thing to do but can make such a big difference.
Hmm, care to give me an example?
Do you buy bananas?
Then just swap your usual bananas for Fairtrade ones.
How will I know they're Fairtrade?
Just look for the Fairtrade symbol on the pack.
What does the logo look like?
It’s got the word Fairtrade on it (see the logo here).
It’s that simple?
Yes, it’s that simple.
And are you sure this small gesture will make a difference?
Positive! Don’t worry about thinking your small contribution will not help. Put together with thousands of others, you will be making a huge difference for small traders.
I’ve never really thought of it like that before.
Well, I guess you do now!
Yeah, I guess I do. Thank you.
Don’t mention it. Well, actually, do mention it. Go out of your way to mention it. The more people who know how to ‘Come On In’ the better!
And...chocolate lovers are in for a treat! Tell them to look out for the Fairtrade logo.
Why Trentham Methodist Church is a Fairtrade church
Fairtrade means fair prices for farmers in the developing world. When farmers sell on Fairtrade terms, they get a sustainable price and a premium to invest in their communities.
We use Fairtrade tea and coffee after church services and in all meetings for which we have responsibility. Where we can, we use other Fairtrade products such as sugar, biscuits and fruit. We promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and during the year through events, worship and other activities whenever possible - like in this article!
More about why we are committed to being a Fairtrade Church.