Dear friends
You will have seen the news from the Government yesterday advising us to not gather socially and especially for the over 70s, people with underlying health issues (a good measure of this is if you need to have a free flu jab even if you are under the age) and pregnant women.  Therefore the Methodist Church, with sadness, recommends ‘that worship services in Methodist Churches are suspended for the time being in line with Government guidance.’  As a Circuit we support this guidance and ask that services are suspended across the Stoke South Circuit as of this weekend. 
If you are able to access the internet then do look at the Methodist website:

The Methodist website has some useful information and also a Sunday worship sheet for those at home which will be produced online each week.  If you know someone in your congregation who is not online but would appreciate the sheet then do organise for your church to print it and deliver.
As a Circuit we are planning on producing some videos on our Facebook page and Website.  These will be short reflections/story for people to access each Sunday. 
It is suggested that churches could open for prayer:
‘Local trustees should consider whether it is possible to open up their churches to enable people to come and pray or sit quietly, perhaps offering prayer stations as a point of reflection with precautions around physical distancing’ and encouraging washing of hands.
Pastoral Care
You may want to consider how to care for your congregations and especially the over 70s. 
One church is setting up a daily phone call to those who are on their own and the offer of help with shopping. 
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time of caution.  If you need to speak to any of the Circuit Leadership Team we are all here for you. 
The team are: Rev Jeff Short, Rev Ian Coates, Glenn Parkes (Senior Circuit Steward/Administrator, Chris Thompson (Circuit Steward), Pat Austin (Circuit Steward), Rev Linda Catlow.
We are moving through the season of Lent, a time when Jesus walked towards the Cross, a place of isolation and pain BUT the end was resurrection.  Hold on to this hope as we move through these difficult times. 
God bless
From Linda
Obo the CLT
Email:    Tel: 01782 848699