
Hi everyone,
I hope that you’re all well. It’s great to see so many of you at the Zoom services either on a Sunday morning just after 11.00am or on our ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ evenings at 7.00pm. If you haven’t tried one yet – and you can join us by phone also, you don’t need to be online – then why not give it a try. The details are below.
I led my first phone conference service for Broadway last Sunday morning and that was great too. I heard and spoke to some people that I hadn’t seen for many, many months. Out of adversity, new ways of being church are emerging!
Hopefully some of you may have seen Rev Linda’s story time either on Facebook or YouTube. Just search for Stoke South Methodist when you’re on Facebook and YouTube, and in addition to Linda’s stories you’ll find inspirational videos from Rev Jeff and Rev Ian, and from Local Preachers from our Circuit.
We do thank Hil for putting these together and if you do have some good news to share, either about yourself or your church, in your community, then please send her your contributions. I know that there’s lots of good work being done by God’s people each and every week so let’s share that news as far as we can.
If you know someone who is not on our email list and would like to receive our weekly email, please ask them to email me. Alternatively if you do not wish to receive our weekly emails, please let me know by email and I’ll remove your address from the circulation list.
Have a good week,
God bless,
Circuit Service by Zoom every Sunday morning just after 11.00am (Please use same links for Thy Kingdom Come services at 7.00pm from Ascension Day to Pentecost – except for Sunday 24 May)
Join Zoom Meeting – just click on the link and you’ll be placed in a waiting area and Linda will let you in. This is a safeguarding measure.
Meeting ID: 862 864 7498
Password: 234308
 Just click here.
Dial one of the following:
0203 481 5237
0203 481 5240
0131 460 1196
0203 051 2874
When asked enter...
Meeting ID: 862 864 7498 #
When asked enter
Password: 234308