A letter from Rev Linda 

Dear friends
In our Christian Calendar we are now moving towards Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus ascends into heaven he says to his disciples:
‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.  For John baptised with water, but in a few days you will be baptised with the Holy Spirit.’ (Acts 1:4-5)
Phrases like ‘Do not leave’ and ‘wait’ resonate with us at this time.  Government guidance has just changed from ‘Stay Home’ to ‘Stay Alert’ but with the instruction of ‘Stay home as much as possible’.  If we or anyone in our household have any symptoms of Covid 19 the instruction is ‘Do not leave home…’.
We are all desperately waiting for the time when lockdown will be over and we will be able to gather physically (not just virtually) with our family, friends and in our churches.  But to be able to gather safely we need to know the risk is not high and so we continue to wait. 
Let us, like the disciples, wait with expectation and trust.  One day we will gather again and when we do it will be a joyous time.  I am sure there will be laughter and tears.  We have the hindsight of knowing that the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples.  That same Spirit is within and around us now.  God’s spirit is at work: as we hear of acts of kindness and neighbourliness; as the essential workers continue to ensure we are cared for and have all we need; as we feel the presence of Christ with us in our homes.
So let us wait with expectation, trust and hope. 
We continue with the Circuit Sunday Conference Phone/Video Call Worship over the forthcoming weeks. Here are the times of worship:
WhyPay Conference Telephone Calls:
* 09.30am: Sandford Hill Conference Phone Call – contact Jeff Short or Glenn Parkes for details
* 10.00am: Longton Central Hall – contact Jeff Short or Glenn Parkes for details
* 10.00am: West End and Trentham – contact Linda Catlow or Maureen Prophet for details
* 10.00am: Blythe Bridge & Forsbrook and Lightwood – contact Ian Coates or Katrina Rogers for details
* 10.30 am: Broadway – contact Ian Coates or Gill Rawlinson for details
* 10.30am: Fenton Park and Temple Street – contact Jeff Short or Glenn Parkes for details
Zoom Video Conference Call:
* 11.00am: Circuit Service, ALL INVITED – a link will be circulated each week or contact Linda Catlow or Glenn Parkes for details.
June is Bible Month and we will be following the book of Ruth in our worship and in some Bible Studies.  There will be a Zoom Bible Study on Thursday evenings at 6.50 pm and finishing in time for the NHS applause.  You are all welcome to join on either video or phone. 
We will also be holding an All We Can Zoom Coffee Morning on 13 June from 10.30am to 11.30am.  The Zoom link will be sent nearer the time. 
We continue to hold in our thoughts and prayers:
* all those who are ill with Covid-19 or whose loved ones have died
* all those in the NHS and other essential services who are ensuring our needs are met.
If anyone has any questions or just needs to talk please contact your Minister or one of the Church or Circuit Leadership Team. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. 
God bless from Linda
on behalf of the CLT (Circuit Leadership Team)
Email: revlindcat@gmail.com  Tel: 01782 848699