A letter from Rev Linda 

Dear friends,
During the month of June we are studying the book of Ruth.  Within the story we see Naomi’s loss, Ruth’s dedication, Boaz’s kindness and God, constantly at work through difficult and good times.  This resonates for today:
* We see and hear of many mourning the loss of family and friends during this Covid 19 time.  Our thoughts and prayers are with all those whose loved ones have died recently.  Many have not been able to attend funerals because of the restriction on numbers or due to shielding.  When we are eventually able to gather in our churches we will ensure there is a special time of remembering. 
* We see the dedication of NHS staff – putting their own lives at risk to reach out and help those with Covid-19.  We give thanks to God for them, for their care and medical skill.
* We see kindness as strangers and friends shop for the shielded, phone those alone, write cards of good wishes, walk in companionship at a social distance. 
AND we see God constantly at work -
There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
I give thanks to God for all of you as you support and love one another.  You may have started wondering when the church buildings will reopen. We will not be opening for private prayer in the Stoke South Circuit Churches, as per the advice of the Methodist Church. After Methodist Conference there will be a full review of the Guidance on the reopening of Churches.  Please pray for Methodist Conference which meets on Zoom 24 June to 1 July.  A Road Map has been drawn up so church trustees are aware of what needs to be in place before we eventually open but this will not be happening soon.  Please be patient as we continue discussions as a Circuit. 
Before Lockdown began, the CLT (Circuit Leadership Team) were planning on carrying out a Circuit Review. We have decided to continue with this. You will therefore all receive a questionnaire via your Church Stewards and we ask you to please prayerfully fill it in and return it to the Stewards as per their guidance.  Many thanks.
The Conference Video and Telephone Services will continue.  Here are the times of worship:
WhyPay Conference Telephone Calls:
09.30am: Sandford Hill Conference Phone Call – contact Jeff Short/Glenn Parkes for details
10.00am: Longton Central Hall – contact Jeff Short/Glenn Parkes for details
10.00am: West End and Trentham – contact Linda Catlow/Maureen Prophet for details
10.00 am: Blythe Bridge & Forsbrook and Lightwood – contact Ian Coates/Katrina Rogers for details
10.30 am: Broadway – contact Ian Coates/Gill Rawlinson for details
10.30 am: Fenton Park & Temple St – contact Jeff Short/Glenn Parkes for details
Zoom Video Conference Call:
11.00am: Circuit Service, ALL INVITED – a link will be circulated or contact Linda Catlow or Glenn Parkes for details.
June is Bible Month so we continue to follow the book of Ruth in our worship and Thursday Bible Study at 6.50 pm.  You are all welcome to join on either video or phone.  The Zoom link is the same for both. 
Thank you to all those who took part in the All We Can Coffee Morning.  Tim Baker was our special guest and he has now set up a Stoke South Circuit All We Can page for our donations: https://www.allwecan.org.uk/stokesouthcircuit/ or just click here.
If anyone has any questions or just needs to talk please contact your Minister or one of the Church or Circuit Leadership Team. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. 
God bless from Linda
on behalf of  the CLT (Circuit Leadership Team)
Rev Linda:    Email: revlindcat@gmail.com Tel: 01782 848699
Glenn, Admin: office@stokesouthmethodist.org.uk Tel: 01782 847489