Dear Friends,
Another week has passed and I am sure you have all been busy with your daily activities although they may have been different to normal. We tend to spend a lot of time trying to keep busy but sometimes we are so busy that we can get very tired, even exhausted. At times our batteries can be flat and we might need a recharge! If you are like me you might just benefit from a short power nap to help recharge the batteries.
Sometimes as well as being physically tired we can also be mentally, and spiritually tired or have a time of weakness or need. Our weariness can sometimes be down to difficult life events and we can pinpoint the cause but sometimes we can find no cause and it is difficult to understand why we feel the way we do. Our burdens are sometimes not easy or simple but a good friend or words of comfort can make a real difference. The reflection this week on our service sheet is Matthew 11 28-30 and many of you will be familiar with the words
“Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light”
These words provide both a good friend and comfort and are a personal invitation to exchange our burdens by trusting in God. They are an opportunity to walk with him and work for him in partnership. We don’t have to do this on our own in isolation. He intends for us to work together as one - through the Church. The yoke (a farming implement joining two animals together) allows the work to be shared evenly, it can also be used as a training aid so that by working together, one trains the other. Using this example Jesus is asking us to be partners with him in his work, his ministry and his service. He is also offering training and support. If you look at a modern translation of the text from The Message it provides a real focus for the pressures we face today. “Are you tired ? Worn Out? Burned out on religion ? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won ‘t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly”
A Christian writer John Birch has used the passage to devise a prayer which offers words of comfort and assurance.
In times of weakness and hour of need,
Yours is the strength by which we carry on,
The shoulder we rest our head upon.
When our load is heavy and too much to bear,
Yours are the arms stretched out to help us,
The grace that we depend on.
In times of weakness and hour of need,
Your voice is heard,
“Come .... find rest”
This is grace divine,
The path we tread to wholeness
Of body and spirit,
The path that leads to you,
And for which we offer our praise.
Please do continue if you are able to pray at 6.00pm each evening and join with others from our Church so that we can unite in the power of prayer. As you pray, please think of those who are ill with Coronavirus and the families of those who have died. Please also hold in prayer all those who are delivering caring and essential services to help keep us safe. Please pray for those on our prayer list.
Barry, Linda and family.
Frank & Barbara
Margaret W
Ken & Pat
Rev Alec
Margaret B
Alan & Heather
Linda and family
Pauline, Jay, Maria & Eddie
Could I also take this opportunity to thank those who have already completed and returned the Church Review Questionnaire. If you have not done so please do complete this and return to Church as soon as possible. We welcome your feedback and views to help us plan activities in the Church and Circuit for the future.
If you would like to join the Sunday Morning Service by Zoom at 11.00am
Join Zoom Meeting – just click on the link and you’ll be placed in a waiting area and Rev Linda will let you in. This is a safeguarding measure.
Join Zoom Meeting
or simply click here.
Meeting ID: 862 864 7498
Password: 234308
OR Dial one of the following telephone numbers:
0203 481 5237
0203 481 5240
0131 460 1196
0203 051 2874
If you are dialling into the services instead of joining them via Zoom online – please use one of the phone numbers shown above and enter the same Meeting ID and Password above.
You are also very welcome to join a telephone act of worship each Sunday at 10am by calling the number below and using the codes as shown.
Dial: 0333 0110 946
When asked enter the Room number: 47927697 #
When asked enter the Guest PIN: 1145 #
You can find reflections and biblical stories on our Circuit youtube channel including new material added weekly from Rev Linda, Rev Jeff and others at
or just click here.
Please continue to stay safe and know that you are surrounded by the love and prayers of your Church family.
With every blessing