Dear Friends
I hope you are all keeping safe and well during this time.
As the national lockdown policy is eased, Churches can now reopen but need to do so safely and in line with government and in our case Methodist Church guidance.
We are looking to reopen Church for worship from September but will need to remove a number of chairs to create social distancing, implement a one way flow, introduce hand sanitisation and implement a robust deep cleaning process for the Church and other areas of the building. We will also require a signing in process to record all those in attendance to comply with the national test and trace guidance. Unfortunately congregational singing will not form part of the service for the next few months and sadly we will be unable to gather for refreshments after the service. The services are likely to be shorter, but I am sure we will explore new ways of worshipping together and embrace the changes. Prior to reopening we will be required to complete a risk assessment document in line with Methodist Church guidance and to submit this to the Circuit Leadership Team for approval. We will be working to implement these changes over the next few weeks and will keep you informed and involved as the plans are implemented.
During the last week the Stewards of the Church have met on Zoom to review the responses to the Church and Circuit Questionnaire. The responses have been really helpful and we are pleased that you feel supported by your Church family during this time. You have suggested a variety of activities that we can consider for the future including further developing praise and worship services. You have also commented on the importance of feeling part of the Circuit and finding new ways to engage with friends from other Churches. Your feedback will help us plan for the future and we are grateful for the responses and your comments and suggestions.
As we plan for the future we will be exploring new ways to grow the Church and expand the kingdom and this will be an exciting opportunity. We hope and pray that from small beginnings of new ideas the Church will reach to others and our congregation will increase. This vision reminds us of the appointed reading this week which is the parable of the mustard seed.
Like all of the parables it teaches a concept using elements we can relate to, in this case a seed, birds and growth. Using these word pictures the parable remains as current today as when it was first told. This parable is so important that it is contained in three gospels. The account in Matthew provides the most information and the parable of the mustard seed sits between two other parables that teach similar messages.
The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds in the world but when planted in fertile and good soil the seeds grows to a large bush. It is not unusual in Palestine to see six to twelve feet mustard bushes, some filled with flocks of birds. The birds enjoying feasting on the tiny black seeds. The significant lesson that Jesus draws from the mustard seed is that a huge and significant plant can grow from such a tiny seed. This is parallel to the kingdom of God. If we think of all the seemingly insignificant events that hold such huge meaning; a small out of the way town of Bethlehem, an animals manger, an obscure carpenter and his young wife, a group of uneducated fisherman, a few loaves and a couple of fish, a rooster crowing, a tree that’s wood would one day be a cross, an empty tomb with the stone rolled away.
In this parable Jesus reminds us of the humble beginnings of the Church and an explosive rate of growth. But importantly the tree becomes a source of food, rest and shelter.
Church is a place of safety, refuge and comfort for everyone but it needs constant care and love to continue to grow.
Perhaps sometimes we think the part we play in the kingdom of God or Church life is insignificant and that small groups of people together can’t always achieve great things. The parable of the mustard seed reminds us to think differently in that huge things can happen from small beginnings . There were only a few believers in the beginning but the numbers grew and grew. The first few told others, who told others. They told more and the kingdom developed. Perhaps as you reflect and pray this week you could focus on the following question – Who can you tell about the love of the Lord and how can we bring others into the kingdom so our Church can grow ?
Please do continue if you are able to pray at 6.00pm each evening and join with others from our Church so that we can unite in the power of prayer.
Please pray for those on our prayer list:
Barry, Linda and family.
Ashley, Debbie and family.
Frank & Barbara
Margaret W
Ken & Pat
Rev Alec
Margaret B
Alan & Heather
Linda and family
Pauline, Jay, Maria & Eddie
If you would like to join the Sunday Morning Service by Zoom at 11.00am
Join Zoom Meeting – just click on the link (from 10.45am) and you’ll be placed in a waiting area until the host lets you in. This is a safeguarding measure.
or just click here.
Meeting ID: 477 542 2768
Password: 909013
Dial by your location
0203 481 5240
0203 901 7895
0131 460 1196
0203 051 2874
0203 481 5237
If you are dialling into the services instead of joining them via Zoom online – please use one of the phone numbers shown above and enter the same Meeting ID and Password as above.
You are also very welcome to join a telephone act of worship each Sunday at 10.00am by calling the number below and using the codes as shown.
Dial: 0333 0110 946
When asked enter the
Room number: 47927697 #
When asked enter the
Guest PIN: 1145 #
You can find reflections and biblical stories on our Circuit youtube channel including new material added weekly from Rev Linda, Rev Jeff and others at
or just click here.
Please continue to stay safe and know that you are surrounded by the love and prayers of your Church family.
With every blessing