Thank You! 

You don’t need me to tell you how difficult a year it has been for many people and in so many respects.
So, I just wanted to thank our Church Treasurers for their work in looking after their church’s finances. Having been a Church Treasurer, I know only too well how Treasurers feel an almost personal responsibility in keeping the wheels turning by encouraging people to give so generously to our churches. And to all those of you who support our churches, thank you too.  These times are not easy when we cannot meet in our churches and just the simple act of making an offering to our church is all the more complicated. 
The envelope scheme to encourage regular giving is very helpful to many and some have set up standing orders to their churches or have paid their offertory by cheque.  Of course, if you are a taxpayer then I would encourage you to Gift Aid your giving as a way of giving our churches a little bit more income courtesy of the government. In this season of giving, as we approach Christmas, some of you may feel that it may be appropriate to offer a present to your Church by way of a financial gift. I know that this is happening in some churches locally and nationally.
So, thank you for the ways in which you are responding to help to get our churches through these difficult times.
God bless,
Circuit Administrator, Glenn:  Tel: 01782 847489