What's Going On?

(All on Zoom or Zoom Phone unless other stated)
Join Zoom Meeting via the following link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4775422768 or just click here.
Or phone in on: 0203 4815 237, ID No. 4775422768#
Or  0203 4815 240, ID No. 4775422768#
* Tuesday 8 December at 12 noon - Advent Bible Study (on WhyPay)
Tel: 0333 0110 946, Conference Room:  21739836 #, Pin No: 9590#
* Wednesday 9 December at 2.00pm - Advent Bible Study (on WhyPay)
Tel: 0333 0110 946, Conference Room:  21739836 #, Pin No: 9590#
* Thursday 10 December at 7.00pm - Advent Bible Study
* Saturday 12 December at 10.30am - Christmas Cracker Coffee Morning.
Have your mince pie and drink at the ready! Wear your Christmas Jumper!  Carol singing! Have a go at Rev Jeff’s Christmas Quiz!
* Tuesday 15 December at 12 noon - Advent Bible Study (on WhyPay)
Tel: 0333 0110 946, Conference Room:  21739836 #, Pin No: 9590#
* Wednesday 16 December at 2.00pm - Advent Bible Study (on WhyPay)
Tel: 0333 0110 946, Conference Room:  21739836 #, Pin No: 9590#
* Thursday 17 December at 7.00pm - Advent Bible Study
* Sunday 20 December at 11.30am - All Age Circuit Nativity Service
Join us as we journey to Bethlehem.  Come as you are, or find that Shepherd costume from last year; or your Wise Man outfit complete with Gold, Frankincense, or Myrrh.
* Sunday 20 December at 5.30pm  - Carols on your doorstep
Premier Radio will be playing Carols for you to sing on your doorstep at 5.30 pm on Sunday 20 December. This is an initiative from the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Methodist Churches and they invite you to ask your neighbours to also join in. 
* Sunday 20 December at 6.00pm for 6.15pm start - Circuit Carol Service
* Thursday 24 December at 6.00pm - Service for Christmas Eve led by Rev Linda Catlow

* Friday 25 December at 9.45am Christmas Day Service on WhyPay led by Rev Pam Roberts
Please contact the Church Steward at Broadway for WhyPay details
10.00am Christmas Day Service led by Rev Linda Catlow
10.00am Christmas Day Service on WhyPay led by Rev Jeff Short
Please contact Rev Jeff Short for WhyPay details
10.45am Christmas Day Service on WhyPay led by Rev Pam Roberts
Please contact the Church Steward at Blythe Bridge for WhyPay details
Hi everyone,
An amendment to the Christmas Day service details.
Forsbrook/Blythe Bridge and Lightwood are hosting the WhyPay service at 9.45am, and Broadway are hosting the 10.45am service.
Rev Linda:    Email: revlindcat@gmail.com  Tel: 01782 848699
Circuit Administrator, Glenn: office@stokesouthmethodist.org.uk  Tel: 01782 847489