A Letter from Rev Linda 

Dear friends
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”’
Read Matthew 2:1-12
I am writing the day after Epiphany so reflecting on these adventurous Magi who were willing to ‘explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man [or woman] has gone before!’  (for Star Trek fans).  Well nearly, they did travel to a different country and were searching for a new life, a King.  Their courage to follow the star meant that they discovered an even brighter light, Jesus Christ, the light of the world.  I am convinced that when the Magi arrived at Mary and Joseph’s home they were welcomed and shown kindness and these strangers gave their gifts to Christ our light, our King. 
How adventurous are you?  I am not that adventurous but there are some people who have the gift of adventure.  I am reading a book called, The Kindness of Strangers, edited by Fearghal O’Nuallain, an Irish explorer who cycled the globe.  It contains true stories from travellers who have discovered, on their journeys, the kindness of strangers in times of need – a light shining in the darkness.   We have ventured into a New Year.  Like me, you may not be a intrepid adventurer, but each day can be an adventure as we follow the Christ light through 2021.  Even during this pandemic Christ guides us through.  He brings his light into darkened situations through the kindness of strangers and friends, from us to them or them to us. 
As we begin 2021, we are again in lockdown.  The Government is still allowing places of worship to open but due to the daily cases of 60,000 and daily deaths of approx. 1,000, the Methodist Church asks us to think very carefully before opening buildings (see Methodist Website for updates). Our Chair of the Chester and Stoke Methodist District, Helen Kirk, wrote a letter last week which said, ‘the Methodist Church I believe, must act in all ways to safeguard our communities, our congregations and protect the most vulnerable among us. The phrase, ‘just because we can does not mean we should’ comes to mind.  Therefore, although within the Methodist Church authority for such decisions lies with local trustees, I would strongly urge churches to close their buildings for worship during this time when the pandemic is at its worst.’ 
I very much support this request and continue to urge you to worship on Zoom and WhyPay.  Thank you to all who have enabled this form of worship: the leaders and preachers; the welcomers and organisers; the attenders; the readers and prayers. 
You are ALL invited on Sunday 7th February at 11.30 am to
The Circuit Zoom Service to Celebrate the Admission of Local Preachers, Lee Thomas and Jo Powell. 
 Over this next month services will be at the following times:
Sandford Hill: 9.30am
Longton Central Hall: 10.00am and 6.30pm
Blythe Bridge & Forsbrook/Lightwood: 10.00am
West End/Trentham: 10.00am
Broadway: 10.30am
Fenton Park: 10.30am (also in Church)
Please contact the Stewards or Ministers for the telephone nos. 
Temple Street: 10.30am
Circuit Service for all: 11.30am
Link for Zoom Services: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4775422768
or just click here.
Meeting ID: 477 542 2768
Or tel no:
02034815237 OR 02034815240
followed by Meeting ID 4775422768#
We will ensure you are kept up to date with any changes to services and events.  If anyone has any questions or just needs to talk please contact your Minister or one of the Church or Circuit Leadership Team. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. 
Happy New Year and God bless
from Linda
on behalf of the CLT (Circuit Leadership Team)
Rev Linda:    Email: revlindcat@gmail.com  Tel: 01782 848699
Circuit Administrator, Glenn: office@stokesouthmethodist.org.uk  Tel: 01782 847489