Top Ten Priorities for Action
1. We should continue with Zoom and WhyPay Services to enable those who are unable to come to Church for whatever reason to be included in Worship. We need to continue to work on ways to have WhyPay and Zoom available alongside Services in Church.
2. To have more regular Circuit Bible Studies/ Prayer Meetings/Meditation time using Zoom so that more people can be included in these events. Look at the possibility of having invited Speakers for Bible Study.
3. As a Circuit we need to make Prayer a priority and to that end maybe have a Circuit Prayer Secretary to co-ordinate events and Prayer network.
4. We should aim to set up more House Groups so that we can meet together locally and share fellowship. All groups could follow the same material using video and other resources.
5. We should consider new and innovative styles of Worship as well as the traditional. Possibly look at different days and times to have Services so we are available to people with differing work patterns etc
6. You Tube has been watched by a growing number of people. We need to look at ways that we can make this available to more people. This could be achieved with greater use of technology and social media such as Facebook Instagram YouTube. We also need to look at how we might resource those without technology.
7. To look at the possibility of having a Lay Pastor within the Churches. We could look at the opportunities for training and evangelism.
8. Consider employing a Children and Youth Worker to work on specific projects within the Circuit. A job description and funding would be required.
9. We should aim to have more regular Circuit Events such as Coffee Mornings. We could hold Fund raising events jointly for our own Churches and other Charities. Consider planning one or two events for the year at the start of the year. Events such as an On Line Auction, a Circuit Market in one venue could be considered.
10. We need to make our presence in the Community more visible. We could aim to make our Churches centres for sign-posting with Church and Social Care teams available to offer help and advice. Issues which will be important for the future which we can help with will be unemployment and mental health. Drop In Cafes and Activities would be good to offer these facilities and social interaction.