New to Church
Welcome! Whether you've just moved to the area, or have lived here all your life, we hope our website helps you to find out everything you want to know about our church.
Where and when does the church meet?
Our church meets every Sunday at 10.45am for our main Sunday Morning Service. Aim to arrive 15 minutes early to ensure you get a parking space and seat in time for the service to start. We meet at:
Barlaston Old Road
Staffordshire ST4 8HD
You can see a map on our Contact Us page.
What should I expect when I attend a church service?
The welcoming team will be there as you enter the foyer. They will be able to answer your questions, direct you into the church and make sure you are comfortable before the start of the service. There is a Crèche area at the back of the church with books and toys for young children.
The service begins when a steward welcomes the congregation, especially anyone new, reads notices and introduces the service leader. S/he may be a local preacher or our own Minister, Reverend Joe Adams. From then on you can take your cues from them. A Call to Worship is spoken, then we sing the first hymn or song - those who are able to, will stand to sing.
Many preachers like to include a special word to the young members of the congregation before they leave for their own activities in the School Room.
The service continues with more singing, prayers, bible readings and the preacher will talk on a theme - you may know this as a sermon. Towards the end of the service we sing our final song and wish everyone well and invite everyone for a cuppa in the School Room. We serve Fairtrade tea, coffee and biscuits, and there is plenty of time to meet people and ask more questions.
What happens to the children at church?
Your child will stay with you for the first part of the service, after which they can go into Junior Church for their own activities in the School Room. There are lots of fun things to do, to make and to sing, all under the guidance of experienced teachers, who have received Safeguarding training and checks.
If your child is nervous, please do not hesitate to accompany them or they can stay in the church with you.
Is there a dress code?
No! Please just be yourself and come dressed in your normal clothes.
Will I have to join in?
Not at all. You are free to simply observe or participate as much as feels comfortable for you.
I have more questions, how can I get in touch?
Please feel free to Contact Us.
If you want to know who works in the church go to our Our People page.